I am going to include the syslog and debug log from scanbd
here is the debug log
***@raspberrypi:/etc/scanbd $ sudo pico scanbd.conf
***@raspberrypi:/etc/scanbd $ export SANE_CONFIG_DIR=/etc/scanbd
***@raspberrypi:/etc/scanbd $ scanbd
scanbd: debug on: level: 3
***@raspberrypi:/etc/scanbd $ scanbd -f
scanbd: debug on: level: 3
scanbd: dropping privs to uid saned
scanbd: dropping privs to gid scanner
scanbd: group scanner has member:
scanbd: saned
scanbd: Can't set the effective gid to 116
scanbd: Can't set the effective uid to 111
scanbd: dbus match type='signal',interface='org.freedesktop.Hal.Manager'
scanbd: sane version 1.0
scanbd: Scanning for local-only devices
scanbd: Not Primary Owner (-1)
scanbd: Name Error (Connection ":1.18" is not allowed to own the service
"de.kmux.scanbd.server" due to security policies in the configuration file)
scanbd: udev fd is non-blocking, now setting to blocking mode
scanbd: found 32 options for device rts8891:libusb:001:004
scanbd: found 5 actions in section (null)
scanbd: option[1] standard for device rts8891:libusb:001:004 not of type
scanbd: found active option[2] mode (type: 3) for device
scanbd: found active option[3] preview (type: 0) for device
scanbd: found active option[4] resolution (type: 1) for device
scanbd: option[5] geometry for device rts8891:libusb:001:004 not of type
scanbd: found active option[6] tl-x (type: 2) for device
scanbd: found active option[7] tl-y (type: 2) for device
scanbd: found active option[8] br-x (type: 2) for device
scanbd: found active option[9] br-y (type: 2) for device
scanbd: option[10] enhancement for device rts8891:libusb:001:004 not of
scanbd: found active option[12] custom-gamma (type: 0) for device
scanbd: found active option[18] lamp-on (type: 4) for device
scanbd: found active option[19] lamp-off (type: 4) for device
scanbd: option[20] sensors for device rts8891:libusb:001:004 not of type
scanbd: found active option[21] button-plus (type: 0) for device
scanbd: found active option[22] button-minus (type: 0) for device
scanbd: found active option[23] button-copy (type: 0) for device
scanbd: found active option[24] button-mail (type: 0) for device
scanbd: found active option[25] button-image-copy (type: 0) for device
scanbd: found active option[26] button-www (type: 0) for device
scanbd: found active option[27] button-scan (type: 0) for device
scanbd: found active option[28] button-power (type: 0) for device
scanbd: found active option[29] button-cancel (type: 0) for device
scanbd: found active option[30] button-options (type: 0) for device
scanbd: found active option[31] button-toggle-mode (type: 0) for device
scanbd: option[1] standard for device rts8891:libusb:001:004 not of type
scanbd: found active option[2] mode (type: 3) for device
scanbd: found active option[3] preview (type: 0) for device
scanbd: found active option[4] resolution (type: 1) for device
scanbd: option[5] geometry for device rts8891:libusb:001:004 not of type
scanbd: found active option[6] tl-x (type: 2) for device
scanbd: found active option[7] tl-y (type: 2) for device
scanbd: found active option[8] br-x (type: 2) for device
scanbd: found active option[9] br-y (type: 2) for device
scanbd: option[10] enhancement for device rts8891:libusb:001:004 not of
scanbd: found active option[12] custom-gamma (type: 0) for device
scanbd: found active option[18] lamp-on (type: 4) for device
scanbd: found active option[19] lamp-off (type: 4) for device
scanbd: option[20] sensors for device rts8891:libusb:001:004 not of type
scanbd: found active option[21] button-plus (type: 0) for device
scanbd: found active option[22] button-minus (type: 0) for device
scanbd: found active option[23] button-copy (type: 0) for device
scanbd: found active option[24] button-mail (type: 0) for device
scanbd: found active option[25] button-image-copy (type: 0) for device
scanbd: found active option[26] button-www (type: 0) for device
scanbd: found active option[27] button-scan (type: 0) for device
scanbd: found active option[28] button-power (type: 0) for device
scanbd: found active option[29] button-cancel (type: 0) for device
scanbd: found active option[30] button-options (type: 0) for device
scanbd: found active option[31] button-toggle-mode (type: 0) for device
scanbd: option[1] standard for device rts8891:libusb:001:004 not of type
scanbd: found active option[2] mode (type: 3) for device
scanbd: found active option[3] preview (type: 0) for device
scanbd: found active option[4] resolution (type: 1) for device
scanbd: option[5] geometry for device rts8891:libusb:001:004 not of type
scanbd: found active option[6] tl-x (type: 2) for device
scanbd: found active option[7] tl-y (type: 2) for device
scanbd: found active option[8] br-x (type: 2) for device
scanbd: found active option[9] br-y (type: 2) for device
scanbd: option[10] enhancement for device rts8891:libusb:001:004 not of
scanbd: found active option[12] custom-gamma (type: 0) for device
scanbd: found active option[18] lamp-on (type: 4) for device
scanbd: found active option[19] lamp-off (type: 4) for device
scanbd: option[20] sensors for device rts8891:libusb:001:004 not of type
scanbd: found active option[21] button-plus (type: 0) for device
scanbd: found active option[22] button-minus (type: 0) for device
scanbd: found active option[23] button-copy (type: 0) for device
scanbd: found active option[24] button-mail (type: 0) for device
scanbd: found active option[25] button-image-copy (type: 0) for device
scanbd: found active option[26] button-www (type: 0) for device
scanbd: found active option[27] button-scan (type: 0) for device
scanbd: found active option[28] button-power (type: 0) for device
scanbd: found active option[29] button-cancel (type: 0) for device
scanbd: found active option[30] button-options (type: 0) for device
scanbd: found active option[31] button-toggle-mode (type: 0) for device
scanbd: option[1] standard for device rts8891:libusb:001:004 not of type
scanbd: found active option[2] mode (type: 3) for device
scanbd: found active option[3] preview (type: 0) for device
scanbd: installing action preview (0) for rts8891:libusb:001:004,
option[3]: preview as: test.script
scanbd: multiple actions allowed
scanbd: Initial value of option preview is 0
scanbd: found active option[4] resolution (type: 1) for device
scanbd: option[5] geometry for device rts8891:libusb:001:004 not of type
scanbd: found active option[6] tl-x (type: 2) for device
scanbd: found active option[7] tl-y (type: 2) for device
scanbd: found active option[8] br-x (type: 2) for device
scanbd: found active option[9] br-y (type: 2) for device
scanbd: option[10] enhancement for device rts8891:libusb:001:004 not of
scanbd: found active option[12] custom-gamma (type: 0) for device
scanbd: found active option[18] lamp-on (type: 4) for device
scanbd: found active option[19] lamp-off (type: 4) for device
scanbd: option[20] sensors for device rts8891:libusb:001:004 not of type
scanbd: found active option[21] button-plus (type: 0) for device
scanbd: found active option[22] button-minus (type: 0) for device
scanbd: found active option[23] button-copy (type: 0) for device
scanbd: found active option[24] button-mail (type: 0) for device
scanbd: found active option[25] button-image-copy (type: 0) for device
scanbd: found active option[26] button-www (type: 0) for device
scanbd: found active option[27] button-scan (type: 0) for device
scanbd: found active option[28] button-power (type: 0) for device
scanbd: found active option[29] button-cancel (type: 0) for device
scanbd: found active option[30] button-options (type: 0) for device
scanbd: found active option[31] button-toggle-mode (type: 0) for device
scanbd: option[1] standard for device rts8891:libusb:001:004 not of type
scanbd: found active option[2] mode (type: 3) for device
scanbd: found active option[3] preview (type: 0) for device
scanbd: found active option[4] resolution (type: 1) for device
scanbd: option[5] geometry for device rts8891:libusb:001:004 not of type
scanbd: found active option[6] tl-x (type: 2) for device
scanbd: found active option[7] tl-y (type: 2) for device
scanbd: found active option[8] br-x (type: 2) for device
scanbd: found active option[9] br-y (type: 2) for device
scanbd: option[10] enhancement for device rts8891:libusb:001:004 not of
scanbd: found active option[12] custom-gamma (type: 0) for device
scanbd: found active option[18] lamp-on (type: 4) for device
scanbd: found active option[19] lamp-off (type: 4) for device
scanbd: option[20] sensors for device rts8891:libusb:001:004 not of type
scanbd: found active option[21] button-plus (type: 0) for device
scanbd: found active option[22] button-minus (type: 0) for device
scanbd: found active option[23] button-copy (type: 0) for device
scanbd: found active option[24] button-mail (type: 0) for device
scanbd: found active option[25] button-image-copy (type: 0) for device
scanbd: found active option[26] button-www (type: 0) for device
scanbd: found active option[27] button-scan (type: 0) for device
scanbd: found active option[28] button-power (type: 0) for device
scanbd: found active option[29] button-cancel (type: 0) for device
scanbd: found active option[30] button-options (type: 0) for device
scanbd: found active option[31] button-toggle-mode (type: 0) for device
scanbd: found 2 functions in section (null)
scanbd: option[1] standard for device rts8891:libusb:001:004 not of type
scanbd: found active option[2] mode (type: 3) for device
scanbd: found active option[3] preview (type: 0) for device
scanbd: found active option[4] resolution (type: 1) for device
***** END OF debug log
Here is the start of the syslog...
Nov 5 20:58:32 raspberrypi systemd[1]: Starting Cleanup of Temporary
Nov 5 20:58:32 raspberrypi systemd[1]: Started Cleanup of Temporary
Nov 5 21:17:01 raspberrypi CRON[865]: (root) CMD ( cd / && run-parts
--report /etc/cron.hourly)
Nov 5 21:17:15 raspberrypi scanbd: scanbd: debug on: level: 3
Nov 5 21:17:15 raspberrypi scanbd: scanbd: dropping privs to uid saned
Nov 5 21:17:15 raspberrypi scanbd: scanbd: dropping privs to gid scanner
Nov 5 21:17:15 raspberrypi scanbd: scanbd: Can't create pidfile
/var/run/scanbd.pid : Permission denied
Nov 5 21:17:40 raspberrypi scanbd: scanbd: debug on: level: 3
Nov 5 21:17:40 raspberrypi scanbd: scanbd: dropping privs to uid saned
Nov 5 21:17:40 raspberrypi scanbd: scanbd: dropping privs to gid scanner
Nov 5 21:17:40 raspberrypi scanbd: scanbd: group scanner has member:
Nov 5 21:17:40 raspberrypi scanbd: scanbd: saned
Nov 5 21:17:40 raspberrypi scanbd: scanbd: Can't set the effective gid to
Nov 5 21:17:40 raspberrypi scanbd: scanbd: Can't set the effective uid to
Nov 5 21:17:40 raspberrypi scanbd: scanbd: dbus match
Nov 5 21:17:40 raspberrypi scanbd: scanbd: sane version 1.0
Nov 5 21:17:40 raspberrypi scanbd: scanbd: Scanning for local-only devices
Nov 5 21:17:40 raspberrypi kernel: [ 2049.036427] warning: process
`scanbd' used the deprecated sysctl system call with
Nov 5 21:17:40 raspberrypi kernel: [ 2049.036435] 8.
Nov 5 21:17:40 raspberrypi kernel: [ 2049.036438] 1.
Nov 5 21:17:40 raspberrypi kernel: [ 2049.036440] 2.
Nov 5 21:17:40 raspberrypi kernel: [ 2049.036442]
Nov 5 21:17:45 raspberrypi scanbd: scanbd: Not Primary Owner (-1)
Nov 5 21:17:45 raspberrypi scanbd: scanbd: Name Error (Connection ":1.18"
is not allowed to own the service "de.kmux.scanbd.server" due to security
policies in the configuration file)
Nov 5 21:17:45 raspberrypi scanbd: scanbd: udev fd is non-blocking, now
setting to blocking mode
Nov 5 21:17:45 raspberrypi scanbd: scanbd: found 32 options for device
Nov 5 21:17:45 raspberrypi scanbd: scanbd: found 5 actions in section
Nov 5 21:17:45 raspberrypi scanbd: scanbd: option[1] standard for device
rts8891:libusb:001:004 not of type BOOL|INT|FIXED|STRING|BUTTON. Skipping
Nov 5 21:17:45 raspberrypi scanbd: scanbd: found active option[2] mode
(type: 3) for device rts8891:libusb:001:004
Nov 5 21:17:45 raspberrypi scanbd: scanbd: found active option[3] preview
(type: 0) for device rts8891:libusb:001:004
Nov 5 21:17:45 raspberrypi scanbd: scanbd: found active option[4]
resolution (type: 1) for device rts8891:libusb:001:004
Nov 5 21:17:45 raspberrypi scanbd: scanbd: option[5] geometry for device
rts8891:libusb:001:004 not of type BOOL|INT|FIXED|STRING|BUTTON. Skipping
Nov 5 21:17:45 raspberrypi scanbd: scanbd: found active option[6] tl-x
(type: 2) for device rts8891:libusb:001:004
Nov 5 21:17:45 raspberrypi scanbd: scanbd: found active option[7] tl-y
(type: 2) for device rts8891:libusb:001:004
Nov 5 21:17:45 raspberrypi scanbd: scanbd: found active option[8] br-x
(type: 2) for device rts8891:libusb:001:004
Nov 5 21:17:45 raspberrypi scanbd: scanbd: found active option[9] br-y
(type: 2) for device rts8891:libusb:001:004
Nov 5 21:17:45 raspberrypi scanbd: scanbd: option[10] enhancement for
device rts8891:libusb:001:004 not of type BOOL|INT|FIXED|STRING|BUTTON.
Nov 5 21:17:45 raspberrypi scanbd: scanbd: found active option[12]
custom-gamma (type: 0) for device rts8891:libusb:001:004
Nov 5 21:17:45 raspberrypi scanbd: scanbd: found active option[18] lamp-on
(type: 4) for device rts8891:libusb:001:004
Nov 5 21:17:45 raspberrypi scanbd: scanbd: found active option[19]
lamp-off (type: 4) for device rts8891:libusb:001:004
Nov 5 21:17:45 raspberrypi scanbd: scanbd: option[20] sensors for device
rts8891:libusb:001:004 not of type BOOL|INT|FIXED|STRING|BUTTON. Skipping
Nov 5 21:17:45 raspberrypi scanbd: scanbd: found active option[21]
button-plus (type: 0) for device rts8891:libusb:001:004
Nov 5 21:17:45 raspberrypi scanbd: scanbd: found active option[22]
button-minus (type: 0) for device rts8891:libusb:001:004
Nov 5 21:17:45 raspberrypi scanbd: scanbd: found active option[23]
button-copy (type: 0) for device rts8891:libusb:001:004
Nov 5 21:17:45 raspberrypi scanbd: scanbd: found active option[24]
button-mail (type: 0) for device rts8891:libusb:001:004
Nov 5 21:17:45 raspberrypi scanbd: scanbd: found active option[25]
button-image-copy (type: 0) for device rts8891:libusb:001:004
Nov 5 21:17:45 raspberrypi scanbd: scanbd: found active option[26]
button-www (type: 0) for device rts8891:libusb:001:004
Nov 5 21:17:45 raspberrypi scanbd: scanbd: found active option[27]
button-scan (type: 0) for device rts8891:libusb:001:004
Nov 5 21:17:45 raspberrypi scanbd: scanbd: found active option[28]
button-power (type: 0) for device rts8891:libusb:001:004
Nov 5 21:17:45 raspberrypi scanbd: scanbd: found active option[29]
button-cancel (type: 0) for device rts8891:libusb:001:004
Nov 5 21:17:45 raspberrypi scanbd: scanbd: found active option[30]
button-options (type: 0) for device rts8891:libusb:001:004
Nov 5 21:17:45 raspberrypi scanbd: scanbd: found active option[31]
button-toggle-mode (type: 0) for device rts8891:libusb:001:004
Nov 5 21:17:45 raspberrypi scanbd: scanbd: option[1] standard for device
rts8891:libusb:001:004 not of type BOOL|INT|FIXED|STRING|BUTTON. Skipping
Nov 5 21:17:45 raspberrypi scanbd: scanbd: found active option[2] mode
(type: 3) for device rts8891:libusb:001:004
Nov 5 21:17:45 raspberrypi scanbd: scanbd: found active option[3] preview
(type: 0) for device rts8891:libusb:001:004
Nov 5 21:17:45 raspberrypi scanbd: scanbd: found active option[4]
resolution (type: 1) for device rts8891:libusb:001:004
Nov 5 21:17:45 raspberrypi scanbd: scanbd: option[5] geometry for device
rts8891:libusb:001:004 not of type BOOL|INT|FIXED|STRING|BUTTON. Skipping
Nov 5 21:17:45 raspberrypi scanbd: scanbd: found active option[6] tl-x
(type: 2) for device rts8891:libusb:001:004
Nov 5 21:17:45 raspberrypi scanbd: scanbd: found active option[7] tl-y
(type: 2) for device rts8891:libusb:001:004
Nov 5 21:17:45 raspberrypi scanbd: scanbd: found active option[8] br-x
(type: 2) for device rts8891:libusb:001:004
Nov 5 21:17:45 raspberrypi scanbd: scanbd: found active option[9] br-y
(type: 2) for device rts8891:libusb:001:004
Nov 5 21:17:45 raspberrypi scanbd: scanbd: option[10] enhancement for
device rts8891:libusb:001:004 not of type BOOL|INT|FIXED|STRING|BUTTON.
Nov 5 21:17:45 raspberrypi scanbd: scanbd: found active option[12]
custom-gamma (type: 0) for device rts8891:libusb:001:004
Nov 5 21:17:45 raspberrypi scanbd: scanbd: found active option[18] lamp-on
(type: 4) for device rts8891:libusb:001:004
Nov 5 21:17:45 raspberrypi scanbd: scanbd: found active option[19]
lamp-off (type: 4) for device rts8891:libusb:001:004
Nov 5 21:17:45 raspberrypi scanbd: scanbd: option[20] sensors for device
rts8891:libusb:001:004 not of type BOOL|INT|FIXED|STRING|BUTTON. Skipping
Nov 5 21:17:45 raspberrypi scanbd: scanbd: found active option[21]
button-plus (type: 0) for device rts8891:libusb:001:004
Nov 5 21:17:45 raspberrypi scanbd: scanbd: found active option[22]
button-minus (type: 0) for device rts8891:libusb:001:004
Nov 5 21:17:45 raspberrypi scanbd: scanbd: found active option[23]
button-copy (type: 0) for device rts8891:libusb:001:004
Nov 5 21:17:45 raspberrypi scanbd: scanbd: found active option[24]
button-mail (type: 0) for device rts8891:libusb:001:004
Nov 5 21:17:45 raspberrypi scanbd: scanbd: found active option[25]
button-image-copy (type: 0) for device rts8891:libusb:001:004
Nov 5 21:17:45 raspberrypi scanbd: scanbd: found active option[26]
button-www (type: 0) for device rts8891:libusb:001:004
Nov 5 21:17:45 raspberrypi scanbd: scanbd: found active option[27]
button-scan (type: 0) for device rts8891:libusb:001:004
Nov 5 21:17:45 raspberrypi scanbd: scanbd: found active option[28]
button-power (type: 0) for device rts8891:libusb:001:004
Nov 5 21:17:45 raspberrypi scanbd: scanbd: found active option[29]
button-cancel (type: 0) for device rts8891:libusb:001:004
Nov 5 21:17:45 raspberrypi scanbd: scanbd: found active option[30]
button-options (type: 0) for device rts8891:libusb:001:004
Nov 5 21:17:45 raspberrypi scanbd: scanbd: found active option[31]
button-toggle-mode (type: 0) for device rts8891:libusb:001:004
Nov 5 21:17:45 raspberrypi scanbd: scanbd: option[1] standard for device
rts8891:libusb:001:004 not of type BOOL|INT|FIXED|STRING|BUTTON. Skipping
Nov 5 21:17:45 raspberrypi scanbd: scanbd: found active option[2] mode
(type: 3) for device rts8891:libusb:001:004
Nov 5 21:17:45 raspberrypi scanbd: scanbd: found active option[3] preview
(type: 0) for device rts8891:libusb:001:004
Nov 5 21:17:45 raspberrypi scanbd: scanbd: found active option[4]
resolution (type: 1) for device rts8891:libusb:001:004
Nov 5 21:17:45 raspberrypi scanbd: scanbd: option[5] geometry for device
rts8891:libusb:001:004 not of type BOOL|INT|FIXED|STRING|BUTTON. Skipping
Nov 5 21:17:45 raspberrypi scanbd: scanbd: found active option[6] tl-x
(type: 2) for device rts8891:libusb:001:004
Nov 5 21:17:45 raspberrypi scanbd: scanbd: found active option[7] tl-y
(type: 2) for device rts8891:libusb:001:004
Nov 5 21:17:45 raspberrypi scanbd: scanbd: found active option[8] br-x
(type: 2) for device rts8891:libusb:001:004
Nov 5 21:17:45 raspberrypi scanbd: scanbd: found active option[9] br-y
(type: 2) for device rts8891:libusb:001:004
Nov 5 21:17:45 raspberrypi scanbd: scanbd: option[10] enhancement for
device rts8891:libusb:001:004 not of type BOOL|INT|FIXED|STRING|BUTTON.
Nov 5 21:17:45 raspberrypi scanbd: scanbd: found active option[12]
custom-gamma (type: 0) for device rts8891:libusb:001:004
Nov 5 21:17:45 raspberrypi scanbd: scanbd: found active option[18] lamp-on
(type: 4) for device rts8891:libusb:001:004
Nov 5 21:17:45 raspberrypi scanbd: scanbd: found active option[19]
lamp-off (type: 4) for device rts8891:libusb:001:004
Nov 5 21:17:45 raspberrypi scanbd: scanbd: option[20] sensors for device
rts8891:libusb:001:004 not of type BOOL|INT|FIXED|STRING|BUTTON. Skipping
Nov 5 21:17:45 raspberrypi scanbd: scanbd: found active option[21]
button-plus (type: 0) for device rts8891:libusb:001:004
Nov 5 21:17:45 raspberrypi scanbd: scanbd: found active option[22]
button-minus (type: 0) for device rts8891:libusb:001:004
Nov 5 21:17:45 raspberrypi scanbd: scanbd: found active option[23]
button-copy (type: 0) for device rts8891:libusb:001:004
Nov 5 21:17:45 raspberrypi scanbd: scanbd: found active option[24]
button-mail (type: 0) for device rts8891:libusb:001:004
Nov 5 21:17:45 raspberrypi scanbd: scanbd: found active option[25]
button-image-copy (type: 0) for device rts8891:libusb:001:004
Nov 5 21:17:45 raspberrypi scanbd: scanbd: found active option[26]
button-www (type: 0) for device rts8891:libusb:001:004
Nov 5 21:17:45 raspberrypi scanbd: scanbd: found active option[27]
button-scan (type: 0) for device rts8891:libusb:001:004
Nov 5 21:17:45 raspberrypi scanbd: scanbd: found active option[28]
button-power (type: 0) for device rts8891:libusb:001:004
Nov 5 21:17:45 raspberrypi scanbd: scanbd: found active option[29]
button-cancel (type: 0) for device rts8891:libusb:001:004
Nov 5 21:17:45 raspberrypi scanbd: scanbd: found active option[30]
button-options (type: 0) for device rts8891:libusb:001:004
Nov 5 21:17:45 raspberrypi scanbd: scanbd: found active option[31]
button-toggle-mode (type: 0) for device rts8891:libusb:001:004
Nov 5 21:17:45 raspberrypi scanbd: scanbd: option[1] standard for device
rts8891:libusb:001:004 not of type BOOL|INT|FIXED|STRING|BUTTON. Skipping
Nov 5 21:17:45 raspberrypi scanbd: scanbd: found active option[2] mode
(type: 3) for device rts8891:libusb:001:004
Nov 5 21:17:45 raspberrypi scanbd: scanbd: found active option[3] preview
(type: 0) for device rts8891:libusb:001:004
Nov 5 21:17:45 raspberrypi scanbd: scanbd: installing action preview (0)
for rts8891:libusb:001:004, option[3]: preview as: test.script
Nov 5 21:17:45 raspberrypi scanbd: scanbd: multiple actions allowed
Nov 5 21:17:45 raspberrypi scanbd: scanbd: Initial value of option preview
is 0
Nov 5 21:17:45 raspberrypi scanbd: scanbd: found active option[4]
resolution (type: 1) for device rts8891:libusb:001:004
Thanks again for your assistance!
On Sun, Nov 5, 2017 at 6:31 PM, Wilhelm Meier <
Post by Wilhelm MeierPlease provide the log of scanbd from the beginning on - until the point
where it starts repeating the same messages.
Post by Adam LloydNov 3 10:39:44 raspberrypi kernel: [ 12.884962] Bluetooth: RFCOMM
socket layer initialized
Nov 3 10:39:44 raspberrypi kernel: [ 12.884981] Bluetooth: RFCOMM ver
Nov 3 10:39:45 raspberrypi lightdm[552]: Error getting user list from
GDBus.Error:org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.ServiceUnknown: The name
org.freedesktop.Accounts was not provided by any .service files
Nov 3 10:39:48 raspberrypi kernel: [ 17.721642] fuse init (API
version 7.26)
mounted filesystem with ordered data mode. Opts: (null)
Nov 5 11:59:29 raspberrypi kernel: [ 176.512360] warning: process
`scanbd' used the deprecated sysctl system call with
Nov 5 11:59:29 raspberrypi kernel: [ 176.512370] 8.
Nov 5 11:59:29 raspberrypi kernel: [ 176.512373] 1.
Nov 5 11:59:29 raspberrypi kernel: [ 176.512375] 2.
Nov 5 11:59:29 raspberrypi kernel: [ 176.512376]
Nov 5 11:59:34 raspberrypi scanbd: scanbd: option[10] enhancement for
device rts8891:libusb:001:004 not of type BOOL|INT|FIXED|STRING|BUTTON.
Nov 5 11:59:34 raspberrypi scanbd: scanbd: option[20] sensors for
device rts8891:libusb:001:004 not of type BOOL|INT|FIXED|STRING|BUTTON.
Nov 5 11:59:34 raspberrypi scanbd: scanbd: option[1] standard for
device rts8891:libusb:001:004 not of type BOOL|INT|FIXED|STRING|BUTTON.
Nov 5 11:59:34 raspberrypi scanbd: scanbd: option[5] geometry for
device rts8891:libusb:001:004 not of type BOOL|INT|FIXED|STRING|BUTTON.
Nov 5 11:59:34 raspberrypi scanbd: scanbd: option[10] enhancement for
device rts8891:libusb:001:004 not of type BOOL|INT|FIXED|STRING|BUTTON.
Nov 5 11:59:34 raspberrypi scanbd: scanbd: option[20] sensors for
device rts8891:libusb:001:004 not of type BOOL|INT|FIXED|STRING|BUTTON.
Nov 5 11:59:34 raspberrypi scanbd: scanbd: option[1] standard for
device rts8891:libusb:001:004 not of type BOOL|INT|FIXED|STRING|BUTTON.
Nov 5 11:59:34 raspberrypi scanbd: scanbd: option[5] geometry for
device rts8891:libusb:001:004 not of type BOOL|INT|FIXED|STRING|BUTTON.
Nov 5 11:59:34 raspberrypi scanbd: scanbd: option[10] enhancement for
device rts8891:libusb:001:004 not of type BOOL|INT|FIXED|STRING|BUTTON.
Nov 5 11:59:34 raspberrypi scanbd: scanbd: option[20] sensors for
device rts8891:libusb:001:004 not of type BOOL|INT|FIXED|STRING|BUTTON.
Bus 001 Device 006: ID 045e:074f Microsoft Corp.
Bus 001 Device 005: ID 0603:00f2 Novatek Microelectronics Corp. Keyboard
(Labtec Ultra Flat Keyboard)
Bus 001 Device 004: ID 03f0:0805 Hewlett-Packard HP4470C
Bus 001 Device 003: ID 0424:ec00 Standard Microsystems Corp.
SMSC9512/9514 Fast Ethernet Adapter
Bus 001 Device 002: ID 0424:9514 Standard Microsystems Corp. SMC9514 Hub
Bus 001 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0002 Linux Foundation 2.0 root hub
would the dmesg logs provide additional info?
On Fri, Nov 3, 2017 at 6:21 AM, Wilhelm Meier
Please post the full log, so that one can see the names of all
Post by Adam LloydIf the scanner supports a button (option) we will see the name of the
option in the log. Then one can adapt the config file to match the
option name and call a scan-script.
Post by Adam LloydSorry about that.
scanbd: Can't set the effective gid to 116
scanbd: Can't set the effective uid to 111
scanbd: dbus match
Post by Adam Lloydscanbd: Not Primary Owner (-1)
scanbd: Name Error (Connection ":1.18" is not allowed to own the
Post by Adam Lloyd"de.kmux.scanbd.server" due to security policies in the
configuration file)
Post by Adam Lloydscanbd: option[1] standard for device rts8891:libusb:001:006 not
of type
Post by Adam LloydBOOL|INT|FIXED|STRING|BUTTON. Skipping
scanbd: option[5] geometry for device rts8891:libusb:001:006 not
of type
Post by Adam LloydBOOL|INT|FIXED|STRING|BUTTON. Skipping
scanbd: option[10] enhancement for device rts8891:libusb:001:006
not of
Post by Adam Lloydtype BOOL|INT|FIXED|STRING|BUTTON. Skipping
scanbd: option[20] sensors for device rts8891:libusb:001:006 not
of type
Post by Adam LloydBOOL|INT|FIXED|STRING|BUTTON. Skipping
scanbd: option[1] standard for device rts8891:libusb:001:006 not
of type
Post by Adam LloydBOOL|INT|FIXED|STRING|BUTTON. Skipping
scanbd: option[5] geometry for device rts8891:libusb:001:006 not
of type
Post by Adam LloydBOOL|INT|FIXED|STRING|BUTTON. Skipping
scanbd: option[10] enhancement for device rts8891:libusb:001:006
not of
Post by Adam Lloydtype BOOL|INT|FIXED|STRING|BUTTON. Skipping
scanbd: option[20] sensors for device rts8891:libusb:001:006 not
of type
Post by Adam LloydBOOL|INT|FIXED|STRING|BUTTON. Skipping
scanbd: option[1] standard for device rts8891:libusb:001:006 not
of type
Post by Adam LloydBOOL|INT|FIXED|STRING|BUTTON. Skipping
scanbd: option[5] geometry for device rts8891:libusb:001:006 not
of type
Post by Adam LloydBOOL|INT|FIXED|STRING|BUTTON. Skipping
scanbd: option[10] enhancement for device rts8891:libusb:001:006
not of
Post by Adam Lloydtype BOOL|INT|FIXED|STRING|BUTTON. Skipping
scanbd: option[20] sensors for device rts8891:libusb:001:006 not
of type
Post by Adam LloydBOOL|INT|FIXED|STRING|BUTTON. Skipping
scanbd: option[1] standard for device rts8891:libusb:001:006 not
of type
Post by Adam LloydBOOL|INT|FIXED|STRING|BUTTON. Skipping
scanbd: option[5] geometry for device rts8891:libusb:001:006 not
of type
Post by Adam LloydBOOL|INT|FIXED|STRING|BUTTON. Skipping
scanbd: option[10] enhancement for device rts8891:libusb:001:006
not of
Post by Adam Lloydtype BOOL|INT|FIXED|STRING|BUTTON. Skipping
scanbd: option[20] sensors for device rts8891:libusb:001:006 not
of type
Post by Adam LloydBOOL|INT|FIXED|STRING|BUTTON. Skipping
device `rts8891:libusb:001:006' is a Hewlett-Packard 4470c flatbed
Post by Adam Lloydhere is the script that scandb is running -- (under the action
Post by Adam LloydPost by Adam Lloydof the scanbd.conf file)
TMP_DIR=`mktemp -d`
FILE_NAME=scan_`date +%Y-%m-%d-%H%M%S`
LANGUAGE="eng" # the tesseract language - ensure
Post by Adam LloydPost by Adam Lloydinstalled it
echo 'scanning...'
scanimage --resolution 300 \
--batch="$TMP_DIR/scan_%03d.pnm" \
--format=pnm \
--mode Gray \
--source 'ADF Front'
echo "Output saved in $TMP_DIR/scan*.pnm"
for i in scan_*.pnm; do
echo "${i}"
convert "${i}" "${i}.tif"
# do OCR
echo 'doing OCR...'
for i in scan_*.tif; do
echo "${i}"
tesseract "$i" "$i" -l $LANGUAGE hocr
hocr2pdf -i "$i" -s -o "$i.pdf" < "$i.hocr"
# create PDF
echo 'creating PDF...'
pdftk *.tif.pdf cat output "compiled.pdf"
gs -sDEVICE=pdfwrite -dCompatibilityLevel=1.4 -dPDFSETTINGS=/ebook
-dNOPAUSE -dQUIET -dBATCH -sOutputFile="$FILE_NAME.pdf"
Post by Adam LloydPost by Adam Lloydcp $FILE_NAME.pdf $OUT_DIR/
rm -rf $TMP_DIR
On Thu, Nov 2, 2017 at 4:49 PM, Wilhelm Meier
Please post the log as text, not as image ...
Post by Adam LloydThanks Wilhelm.
Here is the issue with my scandb setup.
Post by Adam Lloyd<http://i67.tinypic.com/2hqq7op.jpg[/IMG]
Post by Adam LloydPost by Adam LloydOn Thu, Nov 2, 2017 at 12:06 PM, Wilhelm Meier
Post by Adam Lloyd<https://sourceforge.net/projects/scanbd/
Post by Adam LloydPost by Adam Lloyd<https://sourceforge.net/projects/scanbd/
Post by Adam Lloyd<https://sourceforge.net/projects/scanbd/
Post by Adam LloydPost by Adam LloydPost by Adam LloydHello,
I recently moved an old scanner to a raspberry pi to
see if I
Post by Adam LloydPost by Adam Lloydcould get
Post by Adam Lloydit to work on alternative platform. A google search
Post by Adam Lloydthat SANE
Post by Adam LloydPost by Adam Lloydhas "good" support for my particular scanner. After a
Post by Adam LloydPost by Adam Lloydattempts I
Post by Adam LloydPost by Adam Lloydmanaged to get Xsane working on a raspberry pi 3
running with
Post by Adam LloydPost by Adam Lloydstretch. I
Post by Adam Lloydwas able to successfully scan a document! I would like
Post by Adam LloydPost by Adam Lloydsetup a dumb
Post by Adam LloydPost by Adam Lloydterminal station, where the scanner sits in a corner
and is
Post by Adam Lloydidle.
Post by Adam LloydPost by Adam LloydWhenever some needs to scan a document they would hit